DTE Written Exam Result 2021 Published । কারিগরি শিক্ষা অধিদপ্তরে লিখিত পরীক্ষার ফলাফল দেখুন-techedu.gov.bd
Results of various posts have been published in the Department of Technical Education. On 20 August 2021, 281 vacant posts in 24 categories were tested for recruitment. These twenty-four categories belong to the 13th to 20th grades of the revenue sector. Total 281 posts. 239 The next Viva examination will be held based on the results of the written examination. The final candidate for the post will be selected according to that examination. Below are the roll numbers with the position names.
DTE Written Exam Result 2021
From our website, you will get all the information of the departments of the Department of Technical Education and the results of the examination date, etc. Scroll down to see the results.
DTE Job Result 2021
The oral examination of the candidates who will be selected will be held by the Department of Education on 22nd and 23rd August 2021 from 9 am following the appropriate penal rules and the schedule of the oral examination will be available on our website.
Candidates who have passed the oral examination will have to bring the original copy of the following certificate and submit all the documents.
Documents Needed For DTE Viva Exam
- Admission must show an original copy of all certificates. Failure to show original copy will be disqualified for Viva examination.
- Completed color, attested copy of all certificates, and two sets of photocopies must be submitted.
- Attested copy of the National Identity Card attested by the first class Gazetted Officer issued by the Chairman of the Municipal Council, the Mayor of the Municipal Council, City Corporation Ward Councilor should be submitted as proof of permanent residence of the district.
- If the applicant is the son-daughter of the heroic freedom fighter Shahid Bir Muktijoddha’s son-daughter, the attested copy of the certificate issued by the Chairman of the concerned Union Parishad, City Corporation Ward Councilor, Municipal Mayor Councilor to this effect. In this case, the name of the father and mother and the name of the son and daughter of the heroic freedom fighter should be mentioned and the relationship of the candidate with the heroic freedom fighter should be clearly mentioned.
- In the case of orphaned physically challenged minority groups and Ansar and village defense member candidates, an attested copy of the certificate issued by the appropriate authority as per the latest policy has to be submitted.