Admission ResultUniversity Admission

Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit Result 2023

Jahangirnagar University authorities started their admission test activities on 9th November 2023 through unit examination.  Meanwhile, Jahangirnagar University authorities have started releasing the results of their admission test.

We publish Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit Result 2023,JU C1 Unit Result 2023,Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit Result 2023 Online Process here. Read the full post to get the solution.

Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit Result 2023

Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit Result 2023: Jahangirnagar University authorities started their admission test activities on 9th November 2023 through unit examination.  Meanwhile, Jahangirnagar University authorities have started releasing the results of their admission test.  On 16th November 2023, Jahangirnagar University authorities took the admission test of their C1 unit.  Jahangirnagar University authorities today released Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit Result 2023 through their official website.  If you have participated in Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit 2023 and want to know Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit Result 2023 then you have come to the right place.  Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit Result 2023 has been published on our website.  You can easily know Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit  Result from our website.  For your convenience we have published Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit Result 2023 on our website.  So let’s know some simple methods to know Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit Result.

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Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit Exam 2023

 Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit Exam 2023: Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit Exam 2023 was held on 16th November 2023 in 4th and 5th shift.  A total of 60 marks were tested in C1 unit.  In which 10 marks from Bengali, 10 marks from English, 20 marks from Drama and Drama Theory and 20 marks from Fine Arts were asked.  The value of each question in the admission test is 1.  And 0.20 marks will be deducted from the total marks obtained by the examinee for each wrong answer.  This means that for every five incorrect answers, 1 number will be deducted from the total number obtained by the candidate.  In case of any university admission test, one has to be very careful in answering the test.  In Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit Exam 2023, candidates are given a total of 45 minutes for the exam.  Of which 5 minutes time is provided for filling the OMR sheet.

 JU C1 Unit Result 2023

 JU C1 Unit Result 2023: To know JU C1 Unit Result 2023, the candidate will need SLC and HSC exam roll number next year and board name.  Along with this information the candidate will also need the roll number of Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit 2023.  Without this information no examinee will be able to know JU C1 Unit  Result 2023 from our website.  These are essential to know JU C1 Unit Result 2023.  To know JU C1 Unit Result 2023, the candidate must collect the mentioned information.

 Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit Result Online Process

 Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit Result Online Process: Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit Result Online Process: To know Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit Result, if the above mentioned information is collected, by entering the website and following the following steps, the examinee will be able to know Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit Result.  Collect the above information and follow the steps below to know Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit  Result.

  1. First go to the official website of Jahangirnagar University .
  2. Select your Unit C1.
  3. After logging in to the website you will see the option to provide your saved information.
  4. Provide your SSC and HSC exam information.
  5. Click on the submit option.
  6. Then you can download your results.

By following the steps above you will know Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit Result.

[junkie-button url=”” style=”red” size=”large” type=”round” target=”_self”] CHECK RESULT [/junkie-button]

[junkie-button url=”” style=”red” size=”medium” type=”square” target=”_self”] Check Result [/junkie-button]


 Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit  Result SMS Process

 Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit  Result SMS Process: Jahangirnagar University C1 Unit Exam Result SMS Process: If there is any problem in viewing the results due to server jam on the website, the candidates will be able to know the results very easily through the following SMS.

 To know Jahangirnagar University E Unit Exam Result 2023 you need to send SMS to 16222.

JU <space> unit <space> send to 16222

JU C1 Unit Exam 2023

Candidates who have passed JU C1 Unit Exam 2023 will get admission in two subjects of Drama and Drama Theory and Fine Arts.  Every candidate needs to have certain qualifications for admission in those subjects.  Candidates who pass the JU C1 Unit Exam 2023 will get admission in two subjects – Drama and Drama Theory and Fine Arts.  Only candidates who have passed JU C1 Unit Exam 2023 can be admitted in those subjects only.

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