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31st October 2023 – 109th Prize Bond Draw Result 2023

Bangladesh Bank's 109th Prize Bond Draw Result 2023 has been released. On 31 October2022, Bangladesh Bank released the results

Bangladesh Bank’s 109th Prize Bond Draw Results 2023 has been released. On 31 October 2023, Bangladesh Bank released the results of the 109th Prize Bond Draw. The results of the 108th Prize Bond Draw will be published from the website of Bangladesh Bank on 31st October 2023 and the results will be available on our website. The results of the 109th Prize Bond Draw will be announced on the official website of Bangladesh Bank 109th Prize Bond Draw Result 2023


109th Prize Bond Draw Result 2023

Bangladesh Bank has released the results of the 109th Prize Bond 2023. The 109th Prize Bond Draw Result 2023 will be held at Dhaka Commissioner Conference Room. The 108th Prize Bond Draw 2023 will be available on our website right after the 109th Prize Bond Draw in Dhaka Commissioner Conference Room. The results of the prize bond draw can be found on the website of Bangladesh Bank.


Winners of different categories of Bangladesh’s 100 Taka Dividend Prize Bond will be selected. The prize bond draw will be drawn throughout the series and each sequence has the same prize. The details of the 109th prize bond draw are given below and the winner of the 109th prize bond draw is named according to the serial.

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January 2023 Prizebond draw results

Prizebonds were originally introduced by the Bangladesh Savings Department to boost the savings trend. The journey of prize bond started in 1982. Anyone can buy a price bond. Prize bonds are also called lottery bonds. A prize bond can be bought with the same amount of money written in the price bond. By buying a price bond, you can later convert it into money, that is, if you return the price bond, you can take the same amount of money. Prize bonds can be purchased from commercial banks or post offices or the same amount can be withdrawn by depositing prize bonds.


People who want to buy a lottery or are willing to take a risk prefer to deposit a prize bond. Prize bonds are often given in various prizes or honors. They have a prize bond with them. They will be able to see from the draw of the prize bond whether your serial number has come in the prize bond draw. If the prize bond draw is your serial number then you will be able to collect the prize.

One hundred taka prize bond draw 2023-109th

Prizebond draws are usually published in newspapers, but now they are available on various websites. I will give you the PDF file of the prize bond draw and the complete serial number so that you can match your serial number and know that you have won the prize bond. There are a total of 26 series of prize bonds and each series has 10 lakh prize bonds, which means there are approximately 28 million prize bonds. If you have a prize bond, you must match the serial number of your prize bond.

109th Prize Bond Draw Result

আরো বিস্তারিত তথ্য ও সকল আপডেট পেতে আমাদের ফেসবুক পেজটি ফলো করুন।

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