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SPARRSO Job Circular 2021 Online Apply। মহাকাশ গবেষণা সংস্থায় চাকরি ।

SPARRSO, Bangladesh space research, and remote sensing institute was established in 1980 with the aim of contributing to the development of people’s standard of living and national development through peaceful acquisition and knowledge of space science and technology. In 1985 the institution was transferred under the Ministry of Defense. The Constitution of Bangladesh was transformed into a statutory institution by Act No. 29 of the Parliament. This usually happens in 1991. In 1995, SPARRSO was designated a “National Focal Point” for space-related activities at home and abroad through a gazette notification. In 1997, Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina visited SPARRSO to observe the cyclone situation and inaugurated the SPARRSO International Seminar on ‘Tropical Ecosystem Management’ on December 7, 1998. Only the SPARRSO Board has the power to make the decisions required to determine and manage SPARRSO’s policies. The board consists of a chairman and four members appointed by the government. The technical division has 16 and five subsidiary branches and a Regional Remote Sensing Center (RRSC) at Savar. Basically, it’s a government organization.

SPARRSO Job Circular 2021

The purpose of SPARRSO is to provide monitoring and forecasting of any type of natural disaster, research and development on climate change, agriculture, forestry, oceanography, space and atmosphere, and water resources. Not just in the country, SPARRSO is also ready to participate in the development of skilled human resources and regional and international cooperation in the development of space science and technology outside the country.




Application start date: 29th July and 8th August 2021 at 9 am

Last date to apply: 30th August 2021 till 5 pm.


SPARRSO job opportunity is for all employed and unemployed people. Job circular applies instructions are given below on specific circular images so you can read all information easily from our website. Now, the first question will be “who can apply for these posts?” Here’s the answer. HSC pass, diploma pass, graduate pass candidates will be able to apply for these posts SPARRSO application. If you are qualified then you can apply online and submit all the details in SPARRSO application form. Bangladeshi space research and remote sensing organization SPARRSO job application forms are now available online. So don’t waste time and get ready for the submission and circular 2021. Please read the circular carefully in the job circular image or pdf file. You can get notifications like the SPARRSO job circular on our website. So stay tuned and the details you are given below. Bangladesh Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization job Circular 2021

 SPARRSO Job Circular 2021

In August 2021, Bangladesh Space Research and Remote Sensing Institute published a recruitment notice.

Bangladesh Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARRSO) has published the recruitment notice for the vacant post on 28-07-2019. The Bangladesh Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARRSO) is offering job opportunities to the real citizens of Bangladesh to fill the vacancies. A total of 7 candidates will be recruited for the three posts of Bangladesh Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARRSO). Male and female candidates can apply for the posts. Below are the recruitment positions and application procedure details for applying online.

Job Details For

Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARRSO)


1. Position Name: Principal Scientific Officer (PSO)

Educational Qualifications: Ph.D. degree in the relevant subject

Experience: 12 years

Number of posts: 05

Salary Scale: TK- 50,000 to TK-71,200 (Great-04)

Age limit: Maximum year (On 29/07/2021)


2. Position Name: Junior Engineer

Educational Qualifications: Ph.D. degree in the relevant subject

Experience: 12 years

Number of posts: 05

Salary Scale: TK- 50,000 to TK-71,200 (Great-04)

Age limit: Maximum year (On 29/07/2021)


3. Position Name: Account Assistant-cum-Typist

Educational Qualification: 2nd class bachelor’s degree or equivalent degree in Commerce

Number of posts: 01

Salary Scale:TK 10,200 to TK 24,680 (Great-14)

Age limit: 18 to 30 years (On 29/08/2021)



JOB APPLY PROCESS FOR Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARRSO)

Institute Name: Bangladesh space research and remote sensing organisation SPARRSO.

Application Procedure: You have to apply online

Application Fee:TK 500 or TK 224 or TK 112 with prepaid Teletalk SIM

Age limit: 18 to 30 years (On 29/07/2021)

Maximum 43 years in the post of Principal Scientific Officer (PSO)

Citizenship: Bangladeshi

SMS Process of SPARRSO

1st Sms: SPARRSO<Space>User ID & send to 16222


SPARRSO ABCDEF & send to 16222

Reply: Applicant’s name, TK. 112 Will be charged as an application Fee. Your PIN is 12345678. To pay the fee type SPARRSO<Space>YES<Space>PIN & send it to 16222

2nd Sms: SPARRSO<Space>YES<Space>PIN & send to 16222


SPARRSO YES 12345678 & send to 16222

Reply: Congratulations, Applicants name, Payment completed Successfully SPARRSO application for post XXXXXXXXXX USER ID is ABCDEF and password

SPARRSO Official Website


Principal scientific officer (PSO) post’s candidates have to apply to the address that given below

The chairman person of Bangladesh space research and remote sensing organization SPARRSO,

Agar gaon, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207.


The above application of Bangladesh Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARRSO) should be processed properly in accordance with all the rules and regulations and at the same time let your acquaintances know that this application has been published.


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