
SSC Routine 2023 All Board – PDF Download

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SSC Routine 2023

Tags: SSC routine 2023, SSC routine 2023 download, ssc new routine 2023, ssc new routine 2023 download, এসএসসি রুটিন

Ssc routine 2023 has been recently published by Education board. SSC routine 2023 was published in 31st July 2023. You can download new SSC routine 2023 in our website. This SSC routine 2023 can be downloaded through PDF file. SSC exam 2023 will start in 15th September 2023 and will be end in 1st October 2023. Practical exam will be held on 10 October to 15 October. All Education boards has been publish same routine. SSC exam 2023 will start at 11 am and finish at 1 pm.

ইউটিউব থেকে টাকা আয় করা যায় কিভাবে?

According to SSC routine 2023 at frist MCQ exam will start and it will finish in 20 min. After finishing MCQ exam theory exam will start. Theory exam will finish in 1hr 40 min. Which means students will get 2 hrs to finish their exam. A separate exam routine also been published for Madrasa Education board students.

SSC All Board Routine 2023

Dakhil madrasha routine also published in BMEB’s website. SSC vocational routine 2023 also been published in their vocational website. You can download SSC vocational routine 2023 on their website. You can also download Dakhil madrasha routine 2023 on their website. Visit Dakhil Madrasha official website to download Dakhil Madrasha routine 2023. You can also visit vocational official website to download their vocational routine 2023.

নতুন এনআইডি কার্ডের আবেদন পদ্ধতি।

SSC New Routine 2023

SSC Routine 2023 has been recently published by Education board. SSC routine 2023 was published in 31st July 2023. You can download new SSC routine 2023 in our website. This SSC routine 2023 can be downloaded through PDF file.

SSC exam 2023 will start in 15th September 2023 and will be end in 1st October 2023. Practical exam will be held on 10 October to 15 October. The exam will start at 11am and end at 1pm. SSC New Routine was published on 31 July 2023 for all boards. According to Education board SSC exam 2023 practical exam will be held on 10 October 2023 and it will finish on 15 October 2023. Practical exam will be held on respective educational institution. Examination guideline and information also been published in SSC Routine 2023.

বিশ্বকবি রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুরের বিখ্যাত উক্তি সমূহ ,বাণী সমূহ

According to examination guideline and information candidate must be on the exam hall before 30 minutes from the start of SSC exam 2023. When SSC exam 2023 start no one will enter the examination centre.

SSC 2023 Routine 

Like every year this year also SSC exam 2023 was scheduled to be held on time but SSC exam 2023 was postponed due to worsening flood situation in Bangladesh.  This year the SSC exam 2023 candidates will appear in ten education boards including one technical and one madrasa board.

 In the previous year  2021, a total of 13,15,002 candidates registered and participated in the SSC examination.  This year more candidates are participating in SSC Exam 2023.

 SSC Exam 2023 routine was scheduled to be held in April for the first time.  It was later released back in July 31st.  However, the SSC exam 2023 was postponed due to worsening flood situation 2 days before the exam.  After 2 months the new routine of SSC 2023 was released by the education board. And now it will held on 15 September 2023 and will finish in 1 October 2023.

SSC Exam 2023 Practical Exam Date

 SSC Exam 2023 will end on 1 October 2023 and SSC Exam 2023 Practical Test will start from 10/10/22 to 15/10/2023.

SSC Exam 2023 Start and End Time

 SSC Exam 2023 will start at 11 AM and end at 1 PM.

 SSC exam 2023 will be conducted first selection exam and duration will be 20 minutes.

 After that the written exam of SSC exam 2023 will start which will be 1 hour 40 minutes.

 When SSC exam 2023 starts, there will be no break in both exams. Students must finish their exam in time.


In SSC Exam 2023, those subjects will be tested:

 Humanities Subjects:

  1. Bengali 1st paper
  2. Bengal 2nd paper
  3. English 1st paper
  4. English 2nd paper
  5. mathematics
  6. Bangladesh history and world civilization
  7. Agricultural Education (4th Subject)
  8. municipal policy
  9. geography
  10. economy.

 Science Subjects:

 1.Bangla 1st paper

 2.Bangla 2nd paper

  1. English 1st paper
  2. English 2nd paper
  3. Mathematics

 6.Physical Science

  1. Agricultural Science/Higher Mathematics (4th Subject)
  2. Chemistry
  3. Biology.


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Instructions for SSC Exam 2023:

  1. 30 minutes prior to the commencement of the examination, students participating in the examination should be enter into the examination center.
  2.  The exam will be held as per the time mentioned in the question.
  3.  First multiple choice question paper will be held.
  4.  After that the written test will be held.
  5.  There will be no breaks in both exams.
  6.  The MCQ exam will be held for 20 minutes and the written exam will be held for 1 hour and 40 minutes.
  7.  Candidates have to collect the admit card from their respective schools.
  8.  In the OMR form, the examinees have to fill the circle by writing their roll number, reg no, and subject code.
  9. The answer sheet cannot be folded.
  10.  Candidates have to clear written, MCQ and practical test separately.
  11.  The practical tests will be held at respective centers.
  12.  Application for re-verification can be made online through SMS within 7 days of the result.
  13. No examination can be held in respective schools.

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