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Bangladesh Water Development Board Viva and Practical Examination Date 2021। বাংলাদেশ পানি উন্নয়ন বোর্ডে ভাইভা ও ব্যবহারিক পরিক্ষার তারিখ।

Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) has announced the dates of viva and practical examination for various posts. The viva and practical examination on computer operation were postponed to May 30, 2021. On 16 August 2021, the Deputy Assistant Engineer Branch Officer / Preliminary of Bangladesh Water Development Board was re-negotiated for direct recruitment of manpower. The schedule of the viva and practical examination which was postponed due to the current covid-19 situation in Bangladesh has been rescheduled. If you have passed the written test taken earlier by Bangladesh Water Development Board and want to know when the viva and practical examination on computer operation will be taken, then this post is for you. On our website, you will be the first to get the news of all public and private jobs in a short time. You can bookmark the link on our site to be the first to get job news.

Post Name For BWDB Viva and Practical Examination

Deputy Assistant Engineer / Branch Officer (Pur) Preliminary

Bangladesh Water Development Board Viva and Practical Examination Conditions

  1. Only those candidates whose roll number will be mentioned in the circular will be present at the designated place on the scheduled date and time.
  2. The admission card issued during the written test must be brought along with the time of the oral test and must be displayed.


What Papers Should Be Taken for BWDB Viva and Practical Examination

  • Original copy of all certificates of experience or qualifications, including all certificates of educational qualifications and number sheets
  • SSC Pass Certificate and Number Certificate/ Diploma or equivalent Pass Certificate Original Number Certificate
  • Computer Operating Certificate
  • Two passport size color photographs
  • Nationalism Citizenship Certificate issued by the Ward Commissioner or Councilor of the City Corporation
  • Certificate of Character issued by a First Class Gazetted Officer of
  • Copy of National Identity Card.

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