Govt. JobJob's Corner

Government Job Age Increase-বয়স বাড়লো সরকারী চাকরীর

The maximum age limit of the candidates may be increased in the notification to be published till 31/12/2021 for the direct recruitment in the government service of the ministries which could not publish the notification of their appointment due to the spread of the Corona epidemic all over the country.

Government Job Age Increase

The maximum age limit of the candidates may be increased in the notification to be published till 31/12/2021 for the direct recruitment in the government service of the ministries which could not publish the notification of their appointment due to the spread of the Corona epidemic all over the country. Government Job Age Increase

How Much Increase Government Job Age

A notification issued by the Ministry of Public Administration on 19 August 2021 states that the maximum age limit for candidates for direct employment in government service (excluding BCS) should be increased by 31/12/2021 and for this they will fix an age till 25/3/2020.

Why Increase Government Job Age

Many educated and graduating students have almost given up job hope for the covid-19 epidemic. The main reason is their age. We know that the age of government service is fixed at 30 years in our country. But the country has been almost paralyzed for almost two years due to the epidemic. Most government or private employment recruitment notifications are closed. The worst affected are students who were 29/30 last year. They came to the last stage of their government job application and lost their way.

In this context, the Ministry of Public Administration has issued their notification. Their notification states that,

Government Job Age Notice

The maximum age limit of the candidates should be fixed on 25/3/2020 in the notification to be published till 31/12/2021 for direct recruitment without BCS in government service. It was further stated that in view of the above, all the Ministries / Departments and their subordinate Departments / Directorates / Departments and Statutory / Autonomous / Nationalized Institutions could not issue notices for direct recruitment in various categories of government jobs (excluding BCS) due to covid 19 situation. In the notification to be published till 12/20/2021, the maximum age limit of the candidates has been fixed on 25/3/2020 and all the concerned ministry departments have been requested to take necessary steps.


The announcement opened up new opportunities for students who were frustrated with the end of their government service. If you are in the final stages of applying for a government job and are frustrated, this notification will surely give you hope. So don’t get frustrated and start taking new job preparations. Hopefully, you will get a good result.

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