
What is BRICS? – Things you must know

BRICS is an association of five major emerging economies. Such as Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

What is BRICS?

BRICS is an association of five major emerging economies. Such as Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. It aims to promote economic cooperation, trade, and investment among its members. BRICS holds annual summits and has established institutions like the New Development Bank to fund infrastructure projects and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement for financial stability. Despite challenges, BRICS wields significant global influence, representing a large share of global GDP, trade, and population.



BRICS is an acronym for an association of the major emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The term was coined in 2001 by Goldman Sachs economist Jim O’Neill to describe these five countries as a collective economic bloc with significant growth potential and increasing influence on the global stage. Since then, BRICS has become a widely recognized grouping in international relations.


The BRICS countries are characterized by their large populations, substantial landmasses, abundant natural resources, and rapidly developing economies. They represent different regions of the world and have diverse political systems, but they share common goals of economic development, poverty alleviation, and greater global representation.

Why does BRICS hold annual summits?

BRICS holds annual summits where the leaders of the member countries come together to discuss various issues, such as economic cooperation, trade, investment, and global governance. The organization aims to promote cooperation and dialogue among its members, enhance their collective influence in international affairs, and foster closer ties in areas such as finance, trade, and technology.

Over the years, BRICS has established various mechanisms for cooperation, including the New Development Bank (NDB) and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA). The NDB provides funding for infrastructure and sustainable development projects in member countries and other developing nations, while the CRA is a financial safety net that helps member countries deal with balance-of-payments problems.


BRICS has also expanded its engagement with other countries and international organizations, seeking to promote South-South cooperation and contribute to the reform of global governance institutions such as the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund.

While BRICS faces challenges related to economic disparities, geopolitical differences, and divergent interests among its members, it continues to play a significant role in shaping global economic and political dynamics, representing a significant share of global GDP, trade, and population.

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What is the main purpose of BRICS?

The main purpose of BRICS is to promote economic cooperation, trade, and investment among its member countries. It aims to enhance their collective influence on the global stage and address common development challenges. BRICS also seeks to foster closer ties in areas such as finance, technology, and sustainable development. Through initiatives like the New Development Bank and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement, it aims to support infrastructure projects, provide financial stability, and contribute to the reform of global governance institutions.

What are the five countries in BRICS?

The BRICS countries consist of five members: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. There are no additional countries, so the total number of countries in BRICS is five.

Where is BRICS headquarters?

The headquarters of BRICS is located in Shanghai, China. The organization does not have a separate physical headquarters, but it operates through a rotating chairmanship system. The member countries take turns hosting the annual BRICS summits and associated meetings, and administrative support is provided by the host country during its chairmanship.

Which country is strongest in BRICS?

China is often considered the strongest country within BRICS due to its significant economic power, technological advancements, and global influence. China’s large population, rapid economic growth, and expansive infrastructure development contribute to its position as a key player within the it’s grouping.

What is different between NATO and BRICS?




Primarily North American and European countries, currently 30 member countries. Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, currently 5 member countries.


Collective defense and security alliance primarily focused on Euro-Atlantic region. Economic cooperation, political dialogue, and collaboration among emerging economies.
Military Emphasizes military cooperation and joint defense operations. No formal military alliance or collective defense obligations.
Geographical Focus Primarily Euro-Atlantic region. Diverse representation from different regions, including Asia, Africa, and South America.
Organizational Structure Well-established organizational structure with a permanent headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. Less formal structure, with rotating chairmanship and no permanent headquarters.
Global Influence Holds significant global influence, particularly in military and security matters. Growing global influence, primarily in economic and development spheres.
Membership Criteria It requires an invitation and adherence to shared democratic principles. Membership open to countries invited by existing members. Shared commitment to cooperation and development.
Primary Focus Collective security, defense, and political cooperation. Economic cooperation, trade, investment, and political dialogue.

Who is the chairman of BRICS?

South Africa is the chairman of it. The next chairman will be India, which will assume the role in 2024.



What are the pillars of BRICS?

They focuses on three main pillars of cooperation:

  1. Economic Cooperation: Enhancing trade, investment, and economic ties among member countries, promoting sustainable development, and fostering innovation and technology exchange.
  2. Political and Security Cooperation: Strengthening political dialogue, enhancing cooperation on global and regional security issues, and promoting peace, stability, and mutual trust.
  3. People-to-People Exchanges: Encouraging cultural, educational, scientific, and technological exchanges, promoting tourism, and enhancing understanding and friendship among the peoples of it’s countries.

How powerful is BRICS?

It is wields significant global influence. Collectively, the member countries represent a substantial share of global GDP, trade, and population. However, the level of power and influence varies among the individual member countries based on their economic, political, and military capabilities.

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Which country wants to join BRICS in 2023?

There are 19 countries that have expressed interest in joining here. These countries include:

  1. Argentina,
  2. Egypt,
  3. Iran,
  4. Kazakhstan,
  5. Mexico,
  6. Nigeria,
  7. Saudi Arabia,
  8. United Arab Emirates,
  9. Algeria,
  10. Bangladesh,
  11. Comoros,
  12. Democratic Republic of the Congo,
  13. Gabon,
  14. Guinea-Bissau,
  15. Indonesia,
  16. Sri Lanka.

The criteria for joining here have not yet been finalized. But it is likely that the group will look for countries that have a strong economy, a large population, and a commitment to democracy and free trade.

Which country first hosted BRICS?

Russia was the first country to host a it summit. The inaugural BRICS summit took place in Yekaterinburg, Russia, in 2009. Since then, the member countries have been taking turns hosting the annual summits and associated meetings to discuss cooperation, economic issues, and global governance.


Where was BRICS founded?

It was founded as an acronym by Jim O’Neill, a Goldman Sachs economist, in 2001 to refer to the grouping of Brazil, Russia, India, and China as emerging economies. South Africa later joined the group in 2010, expanding it to its current form of it. The term was initially used in a research paper titled “Building Better Global Economic.”

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