
What is Java Programming

What is Java Programming : Java programming is basically a computer programming language. Java Programming was designed in the

What is Java Programming?

Java Programming ( Part 01 )

What is Java Programming : Java programming is basically a computer programming language. Java Programming was designed in the early 1990s by Sun Microsystems. After that, Java programming quickly became one of the most popular programming languages ​​in the world. The main reasons behind Java’s popularity are its portability, security, and full support for object oriented programming and web programming. Java programming is one of the highly secured system language.

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History of Java Programming

In June 1991 James Gosling, Mike Sheridan and Patrick Naughton jointly started the Java Language Programming Project. Early Java language was known as Oak. Java programming was first named Oak after the Oak tree outside James Gosling’s office.

After that Java programming was named Green. After that, they were chatting together in a coffee shop one day when they saw the coffee cup and the logo was created to match the smoky coffee cup and Green’s name was changed to Java. Sun Microsystems first released Java 1.0 around 1995 ED. Their principle is Write Once, Run Anywhere.

Version of Java programming

Among the several versions of Java released are:


Release Date

1. JDK 1.0   21/01/1996
2. JDK 1.1  19/02/1997
3. J2SE 1.2  8/12/1998
4. J2SE 1.3 8/05/2000
5. J2SE 1.4 6/02/2002
6. J2SE 5.0  30/09/2004
7. Java SE 6 11/12/2006
8. Java SE 7 28/07/2011
9. Java SE 8  18/03/2014
10. Java SE 9 21/09/2017
11. Java SE 10 20/03/2018
12. Java SE 11 25/09/2018
13. Java SE 12 19/03/2019
14. Java SE 13 17/03/2019
15. Java SE 14 17/03/2020

How Java Programming Works

Codes written in Java are not directly compiled into machine code. Instead, the code comes in a special intermediate state called byte code, which is called a .class file. This .class file cannot be run directly. To run the .class file, you need to run it using the Java Virtual Machine. This is because byte codes are understood only by the Java Virtual Machine and not by any other machine.

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What is Java Programming

Important aspects of Java programming

Portability of Java programming

Java’s older programming languages ​​were usually written on one operating system, so Java programs could not run on other operating systems. A Java runtime environment is created for the new operating system to run programs written in Java on any operating system. Java becomes a unique platform for this convenience.

Java programs, especially on the Internet where many computers are connected and the computers use different operating systems, the applets written in Java can run on all computers and do not require any special system. This feature of Java is called portability.

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Object Oriented Programming in Java

Object Oriented Programming is one of the most important aspects of Java. In the world of programming, Chimula 67 which is a type of programming language and Small Talk programming language is the beginning of object oriented programming. Later, the programs were able to be completely upgraded through Java. Object oriented programming makes it much easier to write long programs and debug them error-free in it.

Purpose of creating Java programs

Simple, platform independent, highly secured, high performance, multithreaded, object oriented, interpreted and dynamic look Java programs were the main objectives.
Currently, it is used for various purposes such as: Internet programming, running mobile devices, creating games, for business, etc. on different platforms.

A small team at Sun Microsystems called the Green Team lead by James Gosling introduced the Java Project to the world in 1991. First James Gosling named this programming language Greentalk which at that time had file extension .gt. It was later renamed Oak and Oak was developed as part of the Green Project.

In 1995, Oak was renamed again to Java.

Java code is based on C++ so if one learns C++ then learning Java becomes much easier.

Types of Java Programming

There are basically 4 types of Java program. These are:

1. Java SE,

2. Java FX,

3. Java ME,

4. Java EE.

In the next post we will discuss about Java SE, Java FX, Java ME, Java EE, how they work and how to learn Java programming.

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